Home / Red Eléctrica is making progress with the dismantling of two power lines from Gatika to Lemoiz

Red Eléctrica is making progress with the dismantling of two power lines from Gatika to Lemoiz

After completing the environmental assessment of the project, the public participation process will commence in an exercise of transparency and commitment to the territory.
The dismantling of the two ten-kilometre overhead power lines will reduce the visual impact on the landscape. The work is encompassed within the interconnection with France through the Bay of Biscay.

Bilbao, 21 February 2025

Red Eléctrica, Redeia’s subsidiary responsible for the transmission and operation of the electricity system in Spain, is progressing with the dismantling of two overhead power lines between Gatika and Lemoiz. The company has just announced the start of the Public Consultation process by the Dependency of Industry and Energy of the Government Sub-delegation in Biscay, having completed the environmental assessment phase.
This public consultation process is an exercise in transparency that facilitates general knowledge of the details of the project among citizens and, particularly, the owners who will benefit from this environmental improvement and the reduction in visual impact. 
Specifically, Red Eléctrica will dismantle two ten-kilometre overhead power lines, in a project encompassed within the interconnection with France through the Bay of Biscay. The work is progressing according to plan and is part of the company's commitment to improving the surroundings and restoring natural areas.
The proposal carried out has a budget of one million euros and the dismantling works are expected to begin during the final quarter of the year.




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